L25B-R Low Gluten Altar Breads (Celebrant) NOT Individually Wrapped … [ SRP 12.95 ] 2 1/2 “ diameter, plain white, no design, 30 breads / box, less than 20 PPM gluten content
LGTP-R Low Gluten Travel Packs [ Plain White ] Individually Wrapped … [SRP 16.95] 1 3/8 “ diameter, plain white, no design, 100 breads / box, less than 20 PPM gluten content , individually wrapped breads in tamperproof cellophane bags, 25 breads / box. Ideal for travelling and ensuring protection against cross contamination. Makes it easier to provide the clergy as each sealed bag contains a self explanatory card and certification of authenticity
NOTE : These low gluten breads contain less than 20 PPM gluten content. The FDA considers breads with less than 20 PPM gluten to be gluten-free. However, to avoid any confusion, these breads are referred to as LOW-GLUTEN altar breads. These breads are approved for use in the Catholic Liturgy by the US conference of Catholic Bishops. Shipping is free ,however, there will be a small handling fee charged with each item ordered.
RESELLER TERMS AND CONDITIONS By purchasing these items, the re-seller agrees to the following conditions as an authorized reseller of low-gluten breads from Parish Crossroads of Indiana. By purchasing these low gluten breads, the purchaser is agreeing to these Terms and Conditions. 1. The sealed boxes may not be opened by the reseller. This stipulation ensures that there is no accidental cross-contamination, an important consideration of those suffering from celiac disease and protection against any possible claims of liability. 2. The resale price should not be less than the SRP / box suggested by Parish Crossroads. The reseller may if they wish sell the breads for more than the SRP. 3. The reseller agrees that they will do nothing that might be construed as undermining the integrity or use of the low-gluten altar breads contrary to the requirements of the Catholic Church. 4. All published printed literature and descriptions on the reseller web site must (as a minimum) include the affirmation that the breads are approved for use in the Catholic Liturgy by the USCCB. 5. The re-seller must provide TAX ID information and their official state tax exemption form to Parish Crossroads,if and when requested.
NOTE : The low-gluten wafers have a shelf life of 18 months.
Low Gluten Re-Seller Pricing & Agreement
L38B-R Low Gluten [ Plain White ] NOT Individually Wrapped … [ SRP 26.95 ]   1 3/8 “ diameter, plain white, no design, 100 breads / box, less than 20 PPM gluten content
© 2022, Parish Crossroads LLC . P.O. Box 2413 . Kokomo . IN . 46904 . Tel: 800-510-8842 . Fax: 800-735-7133
Parish Crossroads, LLC Corpus Domini
R-L38B - Wholesale Pricing Options
R-L25B - Wholesale Pricing Options
R-LGTP - Wholesale Pricing Options